Meditation Practice: Counting down from 50

By francestaylorbrown

Meditation Picture
Our Meditation practice this month is counting down from 50. Begin by taking a comfortable seated position. Lengthen your spine and get comfy as we’ll be here for at least 5 minutes. Don’t feel obligated to try to sit on the floor, a chair is great! First take stock of the conditions you are experiencing both external and internal. Notice sounds, the temperature in the room and any thoughts and emotions that are coming up for you. Do your best to delay judgement, just observe and intentionally relax.  Inhale to start. Exhale count 50. Inhale 49. Exhale 48, and continue. When you reach 20, only count the exhales. If you lose your place, don’t worry, just come back to 50. If you find that you have been following a train of thought, as soon as you notice, come back to 50.

Have a focused day!